Religious Studies (REL)
REL100 / World Religions
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture
The development of various religions from the prehistoric to modern times. Political, economic, social and geographic relationships among world religions. Consideration of both Eastern and Western religions. Prerequisites: None.
Fulfills: Global Awareness [G]; Global Awareness [G]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
REL270 / Introduction to Christianity
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture
The nature and content of the Christian tradition developed over time, with overview of the New Testament, major historical trends and figures, major Christian ideas and practices, and survey of denominations. Prerequisites: None.
Fulfills: Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies