Health Core Curriculum (HCC)
Overview of current and recent development of health care professions, including career and labor market information, health care delivery systems, third party payers, and facility ownership. Health organization structure, patient rights and quality care. Health care and life values. Definition and importance of values, ethics, and essential behaviors in the workplace. Worker rights and responsibilities. Healthful living practices to include nutrition, stress management and exercise. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard precautions and facility safety. Use of principles of body mechanics in daily living activities. Basic communication skills which facilitate inter-professional teamwork in the health care setting. Focus on development of personal communication skills and an understanding of how effective communication skills promote teamwork. Focus on intercultural communication strategies. Prerequisites: None.
Introduction to medical terms used in health care. Body systems approach to selected terms related to structures, functions, diseases, procedures, and diagnostic tests. Building and analyzing selected terms using basic word parts. Selected medical abbreviations and symbols and term spelling. Prerequisites: None.
Selected medical terms used in health care. Body systems approach to more detailed terms related to structures, functions, diseases, procedures, and diagnostic tests. Building and analyzing selected terms using standard word parts. Selected abbreviations and symbols and term spelling. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in HCC145AA.