Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Number systems, conversion methods, binary and complement arithmetic, Boolean switching algebra and circuit minimization techniques. Analysis and design of combinational logic, flip-flops, simple counters, registers, Read Only Memory (ROMs), Programmable Logic Device (PLDs), synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, and state reduction techniques. Building physical circuits. Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: CSC100 or (CSC110 or CSC110AB) or permission of Instructor or Division or Department Chair.
Introduction to circuits and devices. Component models, transient analysis, steady state analysis, Laplace transform, and active and passive filter networks. Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: (PHY116, or PHY131, or permission of Instructor or Division or Department Chair) and (MAT276 or permission of Instructor or Division or Department Chair).
Assembly language programming including input/output (I/O) programming and exception/interrupt handling. Register-level computer organization, I/O interfaces, assemblers, and linkers. Processor organization and design, data path, control, pipelining, and input/output. Memory organization with cache and virtual memory. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in [(CSC100 or CSC110 or CSC110AB) and CSC/EEE120], or permission of Instructor or Division or Department Chair.