Academic Catalog

Early Education (EED)

EED115 / Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning in Education
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Overview of digital literacy for identifying the skills needed to become informed users of technology to communicate, instruct, create and think critically with digital tools. Explores how emerging technologies are used to teach and learn across varied educational environments (face-to-face, hybrid, online, etc). Includes skills focused on basic computer operations, productivity software, digital citizenship, instructional practices, information literacy and family and professional partnerships. Discusses current trends and related issues about the use of technology and its impacts in P20 education. Prerequisites: None.

Crosslisted: EDU115
Fulfills: Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications [CS]; Computer/Stats/Quantitative Apps [CS]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
EED200 / Foundations of Early Childhood Education
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Overview of early childhood education (birth to age eight) in American society, including current issues and responsibilities. Emphasis on issues of professionalism, ethics and program types. Opportunities for students to explore potential career paths. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: EED200 includes practicum designed to explore the field of early childhood education.

Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
EED215 / Early Learning: Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Fitness
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Consideration of public health issues and safety procedures within early childhood settings that serve young children birth to age eight. Overview of nutritional needs and issues of physical fitness and well-being in young children. Includes practicum designed to explore the field of early childhood education. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
EED222 / Introduction to the Exceptional Young Child: Birth to Age Eight
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Overview of the exceptional learner (birth - age eight), one who differs from the average or the norm, with emphasis on observation, techniques, characteristics, identification, types of programs, and work with families. Issues related to learning exceptionalities, sensory and communication disorders, social and emotional problems, physical and health related disorders, and giftedness. Includes practicum designed to explore the field of early childhood education. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Cultural Diversity in the US [C]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences