Computer Science (CSC)
Concepts of problem solving, structured programming in C++, fundamental algorithms and techniques, and computer system concepts. Social and ethical responsibilities. Intended for majors other than Computer Science. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MAT095, or MAT096, or MAT114, or MAT115, or MAT12+, or an appropriate District placement for MAT15+ or higher, or permission of Instructor or Department/Division Chair.
Concepts of problem-solving, structured and object-oriented programming in Java, fundamental algorithms and techniques and computer system concepts. Social and ethical responsibilities. Intended for Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering majors. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MAT095, or MAT096, or MAT114, or MAT115, or MAT12+, or an appropriate District placement for MAT15+ or higher, or permission of Instructor or Department/Division Chair. Course Notes: Students may receive credit for only one of the following: CSC110 OR CSC110AA OR CSC110AB.
Concepts of problem-solving, structured and object-oriented programming in Java, fundamental algorithms and techniques and computer system concepts. Social and ethical responsibilities. Intended for Computer Science and Computer Systems Engineering majors. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MAT095, or MAT096, or MAT114, or MAT115, or MAT12+, or an appropriate District placement for MAT15+ or higher, or permission of Instructor or Department/Division Chair. Course Notes: Students may receive credit for only one of the following: CSC110 OR CSC110AA OR CSC110AB.
Number systems, conversion methods, binary and complement arithmetic, Boolean switching algebra and circuit minimization techniques. Analysis and design of combinational logic, flip-flops, simple counters, registers, Read Only Memory (ROMs), Programmable Logic Device (PLDs), synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, and state reduction techniques. Building physical circuits. Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: CSC100 or (CSC110 or CSC110AB) or permission of Instructor or Division or Department Chair.
Introduction to computers and technology and their impact on society. Explores technology, current topics in computing, applications and related issues. Students gain fluency in integrating technology to solve problems using computational thinking. Use of application software to create documents, spreadsheets, databases, e- mail and text files, and use of Internet browsers. Prerequisites: None.
Covers Object-Oriented design and programming; elementary data structures; arrays; lists; stacks; queues; binary trees; recursion; searching and sorting algorithms. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in CSC110, or CSC110AB, or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: Students may receive credit for only one of the following: CSC205 OR CSC205AA OR CSC205AB OR CSC205AC OR CSC205AD
Assembly language programming including input/output (I/O) programming and exception/interrupt handling. Register-level computer organization, I/O interfaces, assemblers, and linkers. Processor organization and design, data path, control, pipelining, and input/output. Memory organization with cache and virtual memory. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in [(CSC100 or CSC110 or CSC110AB) and CSC/EEE120], or permission of Instructor or Division or Department Chair.
Introduction to procedural (C/C++), applicative (LISP), and declarative (Prolog) languages.