Monday-Thursday, 7:30am -9:00pm
Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm
Saturday, 8:00am-2:00pm
Sunday, closed
Circulation: 480-857-5102; Reference: 480-857-5100
Williams (Bridget Hall)
Monday-Thursday, 7:00am-8:00pm
Friday, 8:00am-2:00pm
Saturday & Sunday, closed
Circulation: 480-988-6611, Reference: 480-988-8275
Visit for the most up-to-date hours and holiday closure information.
The libraries at Chandler-Gilbert Community College offer a full range of library services that support the academic mission of the College. The libraries provide access to a full-range of information in a variety of formats including web-based, traditional print, and multimedia. Library faculty teach the identification, location, and critical evaluation of the dynamic information world. We also provide virtual and face-to-face reference assistance. Library staff assists patrons with interlibrary loan requests, course reserves, and study room reservations. The Library has 10 conference/study rooms; three library instruction classrooms; access to subscription databases; magazines, journals, and newspaper display and storage; and wireless Internet access.