Academic Catalog

Associate in General Studies (AGS) Degree and General Education Requirements

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) 2022-2023


The Maricopa County Community College District Associate in General Studies degree requires 60-64 semester credits in courses numbered 100 and above. The degree includes the following components:

  1. General Education (minimum of 38 credits)
    Core curriculum (requires a grade of “C” or better)
    Distribution courses (requires a grade of “D” or better)
  2. General Electives (enough additional courses numbered 100 or above, passed with a grade of “D” or better, to bring total credits to at least 60)

Purpose of the Degree

The Associate in General Studies (AGS) degree is recommended for students whose educational goals require flexibility. The degree allows students to apply any course numbered 100 or above, including some that are not transferable to the Arizona public universities and may not be transferable to other universities, toward the credits required for the degree. Therefore, for students who intend to transfer to another college or university in the future to pursue a bachelor’s degree, this degree may be less appropriate than other associate degrees offered (Associate in Arts; Associate in Arts, Elementary Education; Associate in Fine Arts; Associate in Business-General Requirements; Associate in Business-Special Requirements; Associate in Science; and all emphases under these degrees), by the Maricopa Community Colleges.

Academic Policies that Govern the Associate in General Studies Degree:

  • The graduation policies within the general catalog must be satisfied (Administrative Regulation 2.3.9). First Year Experience is required (FYE 101 OR FYE 103)
  • A single course can simultaneously count towards a Core Area and a Distribution requirement. Courses that meet this criterion are bold print and underscored in the Core areas and Distribution areas (on the course list at the conclusion of this document). For example, CRE101 may be used to satisfy both the Literacy and Critical Inquiry requirement [L] of Distribution area and the Core Curriculum’s Critical Reading area. While multiple requirements can be met with a single course, the credits are only counted one time toward the required minimum for the degree. A course cannot satisfy more than one Core area, even if it is approved for more than one Core area. A course cannot satisfy more than one Distribution area, even if it is approved for more than one Distribution area.
  • Credits transferred from outside of MCCCD must be at a grade of “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better. Transfer credit graded pass/fail or pass/no credit may be transferred if documentation collected by the community college indicates that this was the only grading option available to the student and that the Pass grade (“P”) is equivalent to a “C” or better.
  • Completion of the AGS with a minimum Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale for Arizona residents and 2.50 for non-residents meets Arizona public university general admission requirements. However, meeting all AGS minimums does not ensure admission to specific university majors or programs with selective admission processes and/or limited enrollment. Furthermore, because the AGS is not designed to align with the requirements for bachelors degrees, not all credits may be transferable and students may have deficiencies in lower division (100- and 200-level) courses for a particular major.

Summary of Degree Requirements

Details on how to identify courses approved for each of the different categories is described following the outline.

FYE101Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success1-3
or FYE103 Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success
  1. MCCCD General Education - Credits:  35-48
    Core Areas
    First-Year Composition 1
    ENG101First-Year Composition3
    or ENG107 First-Year Composition for ESL
    ENG102First-Year Composition3
    or ENG108 First-Year Composition for ESL
    Select three to six credits3-6
    Computer Usage
    Select one credit1
    Oral Communication
    Select one of the following:3
    Introduction to Human Communication
    Interpersonal Communication
    Public Speaking
    Small Group Communication
    Introduction to Human Communication Part I
    and Introduction to Human Communication Part II
    and Introduction to Human Communication Part III
    Interpersonal Communication Part I
    and Interpersonal Communication Part II
    and Interpersonal Communication Part III
    Critical Reading
    Select one of the following:0-3
    College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking
    Or equivalent as indicated by assessment
    Distribution Areas
    Humanities, Arts and Design
    Students are encouraged to choose course work from more than one discipline9
    Social-Behavioral Sciences
    Students are encouraged to choose course work f rom more than one discipline. 26-9
    Natural Sciences
    Two lecture courses and one corresponding laboratory course are to be selected. Credits for lecture and lab components may be combined or each may carry separate credit. For appropriate course selection students should consult with an academic advisor.7-8
    Literacy and Critical Inquiry
    Select zero to three credits 30-3

    First-Year Composition may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full


    Social-Behavioral Sciences requirements may be met with 6 credits only if COM100 Introduction to Human Communication, COM110 Interpersonal Communication, or COM230 Small Group Communication is shared between Core and Distribution (see Academic Policies section on prior page). The credits are only counted once, but may be applied to meet Oral Communication and Social-Behavioral Science requirements.


    Literacy requirement may be met with 0 credits only if CRE101 College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking or COM225 Public Speaking is shared between Core and Distribution (see Academic Policies section on prior page). The credits are only counted once, but may be applied to meet [Oral Communication and Literacy] or [Critical Reading and Literacy and Critical Inquiry] requirements.

  2. General Electives - Credits: 13-26
    Select additional courses 100-level or higher to complete a minimum of 60 semester credits but no more than a total of 64 semester credits.
  3. Associate in General Studies Total Credits: 60-64
    All courses listed meet AGS requirements as specified.

AGS General Education Core

(16 credits - grade of “C” or better1)


First-Year Composition may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full

First-Year Composition (6 Credits)1

Courses below meet Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.

First-Year Composition 1
ENG101First-Year Composition3
or ENG107 First-Year Composition for ESL
ENG102First-Year Composition3
or ENG108 First-Year Composition for ESL
Total Credits6

First-Year Composition may be met with fewer than 6 credits if student has transfer credit from ASU, NAU or UAZ for a single course that meets FYC in full

Oral Communication (3 Credits)

Courses below simultaneously count towards a Core Area and a Distribution requirement.

Oral Communication
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Human Communication
Introduction to Human Communication Part I
and Introduction to Human Communication Part II
and Introduction to Human Communication Part III
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication Part I
and Interpersonal Communication Part II
and Interpersonal Communication Part III
Public Speaking
Small Group Communication

Critical Reading (3 Credits)

Courses below simultaneously count towards a Core Area and a Distribution requirement.

Critical Reading
Select one of the following:0-3
College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking
Or equivalent as indicated by assessment

Mathematics (3 Credits)

Select one of the following:3
Mathematical Concepts and Applications
College Algebra Prep
College Algebra Prep
Intermediate Algebra
Intermediate Algebra
Intermediate Algebra
Intermediate Algebra with Review
Elements of Statistics
Investigating Quantity: Number, Operations and Numeration Systems
Investigating Geometry, Probability and Statistics
Courses below meet Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.
College Mathematics
College Mathematics
College Mathematics
College Mathematics with Review
College Mathematics with Review
College Algebra/Functions
College Algebra/Functions
and Plane Trigonometry
College Algebra/Functions
College Algebra/Functions
and Plane Trigonometry
College Algebra/Functions
College Algebra/Functions
and Plane Trigonometry
College Algebra/Functions with Review
College Algebra/Functions with Review
and Plane Trigonometry
College Algebra/Functions with Review
College Algebra/Functions with Review
and Plane Trigonometry
Finite Mathematics
Brief Calculus
Brief Calculus
Mathematical Analysis for Business
Mathematical Analysis for Business
Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
Elementary Linear Algebra
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Calculus with Analytic Geometry II
Calculus with Analytic Geometry II
Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
Calculus with Analytic Geometry III
Differential Equations
Modern Differential Equations
Modern Differential Equations
Equivalent course/Satisfactory completion of a higher level Mathematics course.

Computer Usage (1 Credit)

Computer-related course or demonstration of comparable computer skills. Additional courses may be approved by individual colleges. Students should contact their advisor for college-specific courses satisfying the requirement.

Core - Computer Usage
Select 1 credit from the following:1
Computerized Accounting
Advertising Arts
Administration of Justice Studies
Effective Communication and Report Writing in Criminal Justice
Architectural CAD III: Site Plans and Sections
Architectural CAD IV: Structural Systems
Architectural CAD V: Mechanical and Electrical Systems
Any 180++ course
Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing 1
Business-Personal Computers
Any BPC Course(s), including:
Computer Usage and Applications 1
Computer Information Systems
Any CIS Course(s), including: 2
Survey of Computer Information Systems 1
C++: Level I 1
C#: Level I 1
Java Programming: Level I 1
Computer Science
Any CSC Course(s), including: 3
Introduction to Computer Science (C++) 1
Introduction to Computer Science (C++) 1
Introduction to Computer Science (Java) 1
Introduction to Computer Science (Java) 1
Introduction to Computer Science (Java) 1
Digital Design Fundamentals 1
Programming in C/C++ 1
Programming In C/C++ 1
Computer Literacy 1
Computer Literacy 1
Computer Literacy 1
Applied Problem Solving With Visual Basic 1
Applied Problem Solving With Visual Basic 1
Applied Problem Solving With Visual Basic 1
Principles Of Programming With C#.NET 1
Principles Of Programming With C#.NET 1
Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures 1
Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures 1
Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures 1
Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures 1
Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures 1
Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing 1
Court Reporting
Court Reporting: Machine Shorthand Theory Block I
Court Reporting: Machine Shorthand Theory Block II
Drafting Technology
Computer Aided Drafting I: AutoCAD 1,4
Computer Aided Drafting II: AutoCAD
Early Childhood Education
Computers in Early Childhood
Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning in Education
Early Education
Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning in Education
Electrical Engineering
Digital Design Fundamentals 1
Digital Logic and Circuits
Computer Programming for Technology
Microprocessor Concepts
Microprocessor Applications
Advanced Microprocessors and Systems
Electronic Technology
Digital and Logic Circuits
Microprocessor Applications
Composition Skills
Food & Nutition
Introductory Nutrition
General Business
Business Statistics 1
Geographic Information Science
Geographic Information Technologies 1
Geographic Information Science I 1
Hotel Restaurant Management
Food Service Cost Systems
Development of Small Publications
Paralegal Studies
Litigation Technologies
Elements of Statistics 1
Music Theory/Composition
Computer Literacy for Musicians 1
Networking Technology
Visual Basic for Technology
Office Automation Systems
Computer Keyboarding I
Introduction to Statistics 1
Social Work
Statistics for Social Research/Justice and Government 1

Course meets Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.


Except CIS159 Visual Basic Programming I, CIS162AC Visual C++: Level I, CIS217AM Advanced Microsoft Access: Database Management, CIS259 Visual Basic Programming II


Except CSC200 Principles of Computer Science (Java), CSC200AA Principles of Computer Science (Java), CSC200AB Principles of Computer Science (Java), CSC210 Data Structures And Algorithms (Java), CSC210AA Data Structures and Algorithms (Java), CSC210AB Data Structures and Algorithms (Java)


Must be taken with CSC100AA Introduction to Computer Science (C++) or CSC100AB Introduction to Computer Science (C++) to meet AGEC value

AGS General Education Distribution Areas

(28-29 credits- grade of “D” or better)

Humanities, Arts and Design (9 Credits)

Students are encouraged to choose courses from more than one discipline.

Distribution Area - Humanities, Arts and Design
Select nine credits from the following:9
Arabic Humanities
Arabic Culture and Islam 1
American Indian Studies
American Indian Religions 1
Administration of Justice Studies
Ethics and the Administration of Justice 1
Art Humanities
Any Art Humanities Course(s), including:
Introduction to Art 1
Art from Prehistory Through Middle Ages 1
Art from Renaissance to Modernism 1
History of American Art
History of Graphic Design
History of Modern Art
History of Photography 1
Introduction to Chinese Art 1
History of American Indian Art 1
Art of Asia 1
Art of Ancient Egypt 1
Roman Art and Architecture 1
Mexican Art History 1
Pre-Columbian Art History
Art and Architecture of the Islamic World to 1800
Visual Language and Interpretation
Photography I
Women in Other Cultures 1
Magic, Witchcraft and Healing: An Introduction to Comparative Religion 1
Anthropology Goes to the Movies 1
Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: Old World 1
Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: New World 1
Death and Dying Across Cultures 1
Chicana and Chicano Studies
Chicana and Chicano Studies 1
Oral Interpretation of Literature 1
Construction and Culture (formerly CNS101) 1
Dance Humanities
Introduction to Dance 1
Dance, Culture, and Global Contexts 1
Dance in Popular Culture 1
Hip Hop: Arts, Aesthetic and Culture 1
Cultural Diversity In Education (effective Spring '22) 1
Children's Literature 1
The Art of Storytelling 1
Multicultural Folktales 1
Reading and Writing About Literature 1
Introduction to the Study of Language 1
Writing about Literature 1
English Humanities
Any ENH Course(s), including: 2
Introduction to Literature 1
Literature and the American Experience
Chicano Literature 1
Writers/Directors and Current Issues 1
African-American Literature 1
Rap Literature: The Oral Tradition
Mystery Fiction from the Nineteenth Century to the Present
Sports in Literature and Film 1
Introduction to US Ethnic Literature 1
World Literature Through the Renaissance 1
World Literature After the Renaissance 1
Introduction to Contemporary Literature 1
Nature and Environmental Literature 1
Poetry Study 1
Survey of English Literature Before 1800 1
Survey of English Literature After 1800 1
Introduction to Shakespeare 1
Introduction to Shakespeare: The Early Plays 1
Introduction to Shakespeare: The Late Plays 1
Survey Of Gothic Literature 1
American Literature Before 1860 1
American Literature After 1860 1
J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis: Battling Modernism 1
Mythology 1
Contemporary Global Literature and Film
Literature and Film 1
Contemporary U.S. Literature and Film 1
Shakespeare On Film 1
American Indian Literature 1
Literature of the Southwest 1
Modern Fiction 1
Narrative Genres
Dark Futures: Dystopian Narrative
Whodunnits: Mystery Narrative
Happily Ever: Children's Narrative
Stuff Blows Up: Action Narrative
Tour of Duty: War Narrative
Heroic Quests: Fantasy Narrative
Out There: Science Fiction Narrative
Facing Fear: Horror Narrative
Make 'em Laugh: Comedy Narrative
Love and Passion: Romance Narrative
The Wild Frontier: Western Narrative
Topics in American Literature 1
19th Century Women Writers 1
Contemporary Women Writers 1
Children's Literature 1
Multicultural Folktales 1
Banned Books and Censorship 1
Advanced French I 1
Game Studies
Games, Culture and Aesthetics
Health Care Related
Clinical Health Care Ethics 1
History of Western Civilization Middle Ages to 1789 1
History of Western Civilization 1789 to Present 1
United States History to 1865 1
United States History 1945 to the Present 1
World History to 1500 1
World History 1500 to the Present 1
History of Eastern Civilizations to 1850 1
History of Eastern Civilizations 1850 to Present 1
African-American History to 1865 1
History of Religion 1
History of England to 1700 1
History of England 1700 to Present 1
The Honors Experience 1
Any HUM course(s), including: 3
Great Ideas Symposium
General Humanities 1
Humanities Through the Arts 1
Contemporary Humanities 1
Honors Forum 1
Honors Forum 1
Honors Forum 1
Honors Forum 1
Honors Forum 1
Honors Forum 1
Honors Forum 1
Honors Forum 1
Honors Forum 1
Humanities: Universal Themes 1
Humanities: Universal Themes 1
Introduction to Cinema 1
Introduction to Television Arts 1
Women and Films 1
Contemporary Cinema 1
Foreign Films: Classics 1
Foreign Films: Italian
Documentary Film
Hispanic Film 1
African-Americans in Film 1
Film Comedy 1
The Films and Career of Alfred Hitchcock 1
History and Film 1
Disability Studies 1
Introduction to Holocaust Studies 1
Ideas and Values in the Humanities: Early Civilizations to the Renaissance 1
Ideas and Values in the Humanities: Renaissance to the Contemporary World 1
Intercultural Perspectives 1
Asian Ideas and Values 1
The Art of Storytelling 1
Topics in the Humanities
Interior Design
Historical Architecture and Furniture 1
Modern Architecture and Furniture 1
Intermediate Latin I 1
Intermediate Latin II 1
Music: History/Literature
Survey of Music History 1
Music in World Cultures 1
American Jazz and Popular Music 1
Survey of Broadway Musicals 1
Rock Music and Culture 1
Survey of American Music 1
Music and Culture 1
Hip-Hop Music and Culture 1
Music History and Literature to 1750 1
Music History and Literature 1750 to Present 1
Topics in Music 1
Any PHI Course(s), including:
Introduction to Philosophy 1
Introduction to Logic 1
World Philosophy 1
Introduction to Ethics 1
History of Ancient Philosophy 1
Contemporary Moral Issues 1
Medical and Bio-Ethics 1
Business Ethics
Legal Ethics
Environmental Ethics 1
Philosophy of Sexuality 1
Political Philosophy 1
Metaphysics: An Introduction 1
Theory of Knowledge 1
Philosophical Psychology
Philosophy of Religion 1
Introduction to Eastern Philosophy 1
Ethics in Higher Education
Philosophy of Sport 1
Service Learning Experience in Philosophy
Religious Studies
Any REL Course(s)
World Religions 1
Introduction to Religion 1
Religion in the Hispanic World 1
Religion and Film 1
Classics of Asian Religions 1
American Indian Religions 1
Religion and the Modern World 1
Religion in America 1
Ritual, Symbol, and Myth 1
Introduction to Judaism 1
Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
Introduction to Islam 1
Introduction to the Qur'an
Introduction to Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Religion and Culture
Spiritual But Not Religious
African-American Religions 1
Religions of Indigenous Peoples
Religion and Science 1
Philosophy of Religion 1
Eco Religion
Religion, Peace and Violence
Religion in Ireland: Neolithic to Early Medieval 1
History of Religion in Ireland: Medieval to Modern 1
Introduction to the New Testament 1
Mysticism East and West
Goddess Religions
Religion in Community Service
Capstone: The Story of Belief
Service Learning Experience in Religious Studies
Service Learning Experience in Religious Studies
Service Learning Experience in Religious Studies
Women and World Religions 1
Religion and Sexuality 1
Studies in Language & Culture
Introduction to Linguistics 1
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory 1
Spanish and Spanish-American Film I 1
Spanish and Spanish-American Film II 1
Advanced Spanish I 1
Advanced Spanish II 1
Spanish Humanities
Spanish and Latin American Film in Translation 1
Hispanic Heritage in the Southwest 1
Sustainability/Social Sciences and Humanities
Sustainable Cities 1
The Art of Storytelling 1
Multicultural Folktales 1
Social Work
Introductory Ethics: A Social Service Perspective 1
Textiles and Clothing
Cultural Aspects of Clothing 1
Introduction to Theatre 1
Modern Drama 1
Theatre and Film
Introduction to Cinema 1
Introduction to Television Arts 1
Contemporary Cinema 1
Introduction to Design Scenography 1
Oral Interpretation of Literature 1
Women’s Studies
Women and Films 1
19th Century Women Writers 1
Contemporary Women Writers 1
Women and World Religions 1

Course meets Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.


Except ENH250 Classical Backgrounds in Literature


Except HUM120 Cultural Viewpoints in the Arts, HUM225 Introduction to Popular Culture

Social-Behavioral Sciences (6-9 Credits)

Students are encouraged to choose courses from more than one discipline. Social-Behavioral Sciences requirements may be met with 6 credits only if COM100 Introduction to Human Communication, COM110 Interpersonal Communication, or COM230 Small Group Communication is shared between Core and Distribution (see Academic Policies section). The credits are only counted once, but may be applied meet Oral Communication and Social-Behavioral Science requirements.

Distribution Area - Social-Behavioral Sciences
Select six to nine credits from the following:6-9
African American Studies
Ethnic Relations in the United States 1
African-American History: The Slavery Experience 1
African-American History 1865 to Present 1
American Indian Studies
Survey of American Indian Issues 1
American Indian History 1
Sovereign Indian Nations 1
American Indian Law
Administration of Justice Studies
Introduction to Criminal Justice 1
Computer Applications in Justice Studies
Current Issues In Criminal Justice 1
Criminology 1
Victimology and Crisis Management in Public Safety
Community Relations 1
Introduction to Global Health 1
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 1
Ethnic Relations in the United States 1
Women in Other Cultures 1
Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: Old World 1
Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: New World 1
Human Impacts on Ancient Environments 1
Principles of Archaeology 1
Southwest Archaeology 1
Sports and Culture 1
Bones, Stones, and Human Evolution 1
Forensic Anthropology 1
Behavioral Health Services Technology
Introduction to Behavioral Health and Social Services 1
Addictions, Substance Use Disorders, and Recovery 1
Ethnic Relations
Ethnic Relations in the United States 1
Child/Family Studies
Personal Growth and Family Relations 1
Marriage and Family Life 1
The Modern Family 1
Child Development 1
Human Development 1
Developing Child: Theory into Practice, Prenatal to Age Eight 1
Sexuality over the Life Span 1
Courses below meet Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.
Introduction to Human Communication
Introduction to Human Communication Part I
and Introduction to Human Communication Part II
and Introduction to Human Communication Part III
Interpersonal Communication 1
Interpersonal Communication Part I
and Interpersonal Communication Part II
and Interpersonal Communication Part III
Intercultural Communication in Everyday Life
Small Group Communication
Introduction to Organizational Communication
Elements of Intercultural Communication
Human Resilience: Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Applications 1
Early Childhood Education
Child Development 1
Economic History of the United States 1
Macroeconomic Principles 1
Microeconomic Principles 1
The World Economy 1
World Economic Systems 1
Introduction to Education 1
Introduction to the Exceptional Learner 1
Early Education
Foundations of Early Childhood Education 1
The Developing Child: Prenatal to Age Eight 1
Introduction to the Exceptional Young Child: Birth to Age Eight 1
Emergency Medical Technology
Victimology and Crisis Management in Public Safety 1
Introduction to the Study of Language 1
Forensic Science
Forensic Anthropology 1
Fire Science Technology
Victimology and Crisis Management in Public Safety 1
Cultural Geography
Introduction to Human Geography 1
United States and Arizona Social Studies 1
World Geography I: Eastern Hemisphere 1
World Geography II: Western Hemisphere 1
Introduction to Economic Geography 1
Arizona Geography 1
Health Science
Healthful Living 1
Any HIS Course(s), including 2
History of Western Civilization to Middle Ages 1
History of Western Civilization Middle Ages to 1789 1
History of Western Civilization 1789 to Present 1
United States History to 1865 1
United States History 1865 to Present 1
Arizona History 1
Southwest History 1
United States History 1945 to the Present 1
Mexican-American History and Culture 1
History of Eastern Civilizations to 1850 1
History of Eastern Civilizations 1850 to Present 1
American Indian History 1
History of Mexico 1
United States Military History 1
Environmental History 1
History of Women in America 1
African-American History to 1865 1
African-American History 1865 to Present 1
The Chicana/o in 20th and 21st Century America 1
History of Islamic Civilization from the 6th Century to 1800
Latin American Civilization in the Colonial Period 1
Latin American Civilization in the Post-Colonial Period 1
US Experience in Vietnam 1945 - 1975 1
Russia: Kievan Rus to the New Cold War 1
The Modern Middle East 1
Leadership Development: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 1
Disability Studies 1
International Business
Cultural Dimension for International Trade 1
Research in Global Society
Information in a Post-Truth World 1
Information Without Borders: Research in a Global Society 1
Hacking and Open Source Culture 1
Mass Communications
Media and Society
Management and Leadership I 1
Management and Leadership II 1
Public Administration
Public Affairs Economics 1
Political Science
Any POS course(s), including:
Introduction to Political Science 1
Current Issues 1
American National Government 1
United States and Arizona Social Studies 1
World Social Studies 1
Issues in American Politics 1
World Politics 1
Issues in World Politics 1
State and Local Government 1
Comparative Government 1
United Nations Studies
Political Ideologies 1
Arizona Constitution
U.S. Constitution
Civil Rights and Liberties 1
Public Policy/Service Internship
Volunteerism for Political Science: A Service Learning Experience
Volunteerism for Political Science: A Service Learning Experience
Volunteerism for Political Science: A Service Learning Experience
Political Issues and Public Policy 1
Introduction to Psychology 1
Psychology of Parenting
Psychology and Culture 1
Understanding Death and Dying
African/Black Psychology 1
Sports Psychology 1
Health Psychology 1
Psychology of Religion 1
Psychology of Gender 1
Developmental Psychology 1
Understanding and Changing Behavior 1
The Psychology of Developmental Disabilities 1
Social Psychology 1
Psychology of Personality 1
Positive Psychology: The Science of Well-Being 1
Psychological Disorders 1
Psychology of Human Sexuality 1
Industrial/Organizational Psychology 1
Psychology of Altered States of Consciousness 1
Leisure and the Quality of Life 1
Society and Business
Society and Business 1
Studies in Language & Culture
Introduction to Linguistics 1
Any SOC course(s), including: 3
Introduction to Sociology 1
Drugs and Society 1
Human Sexuality 1
Sovereign Indian Nations 1
Sociology of Families and Relationships 1
Social Implications of Technology 1
Gender and Society 1
Sport and Society 1
Race and Ethnic Relations 1
Social Problems 1
Sociology Through Film 1
The Sociology of Health and Illness 1
Sustainability/Social Sciences and Humanities
Sustainable Cities 1
Sustainability/Natural Sciences
Sustainable World 1
Social Work
Introduction to Social Work 1
A Social Services Perspective of Government 1
Mindfulness for Stress Management 1
Victimology and Crisis, a Social Services Perspective 1
Effective Helping in a Diverse World 1
Textiles and Clothing
Cultural Aspects of Clothing 1
Wellness Education
Women’s Studies
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 1
American Women Since 1920 1
Yaqui Indian History and Culture
Yaqui Indian History and Culture 1

Course meets Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.


Except HIS111 World History 1500 to the Present, HIS170 American Indian History of the Southwest, HIS251 History of England to 1700, HIS252 History of England 1700 to Present


Except SOC143 Sociology of African American Problems, SOC245 Social Deviance, SOC253 Social Class and Stratification, SOC265 Sociology of Aging

Natural Sciences (7-8 Credits)

Two lecture courses and one corresponding laboratory course are to be selected. The lecture and corresponding laboratory course(s) may carry separate credit. For appropriate course selection students should consult with an advisor.

Distribution Area - Natural Sciences
Select seven to eight credits from the following:7-8
Agricultural Science
Plant Growth and Development 1
Soils 1
Archaeological Field Methods 1
Bones, Stones, and Human Evolution 1
Laboratory Methods in Archaeology 1
Forensic Anthropology 1
Survey of Astronomy 1
Life in the Universe 1
Introduction to Solar System Astronomy 1
Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology 1
Biology Concepts 1
Introduction to Human Genetics for Non-Majors 1
Cells to Systems: An Introduction to Biology for Non-Majors 1
Environmental Biology 1
Introduction to Biotechnology 1
Plants and Society 1
Natural History of the Southwest 1
Microbes and Society 1
Marine Biology 1
Field Biology: Natural History of the Grand Canyon
Field Biology: Marine Biology in Mexico
Field Biology: Ecological and Environmental Field Experience
Field Biology: Ecological and Environmental Field Experience
Field Biology: Ecological and Environmental Field Experience
Field Biology: Ecological and Environmental Field Experience
Introductory Biology for Allied Health 1
Introductory Biology for Allied Health 1
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology 1
General Biology (Majors) I 1
General Biology (Majors) I 1
General Biology (Majors) II 1
General Biology (Majors) II 1
Human Anatomy and Physiology I 1
Human Anatomy and Physiology I 1
Human Anatomy and Physiology II 1
Microbiology 1
Human Genetics 1
Courses below meet Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.
Chemistry and Society
and Chemistry and Society Laboratory
Fundamental Chemistry
and Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory
Fundamental Chemistry with Lab
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Laboratory
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Laboratory
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Laboratory
General Chemistry II
General Chemistry II with Qualitative Analysis
and General Chemistry II with Qualitative Laboratory
Fundamental Organic Chemistry
and Fundamental Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Foundations of Concrete (formerly CNS106) 1
Environmental Sciences
Introduction to Environmental Science 1
Food and Nutrition
Courses below meet Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements. 1
Principles of Human Nutrition
and Principles of Human Nutrition Laboratory
Forensic Science
Forensic Science: Physical Evidence 1
Forensic Science: Biological Evidence 1
Forensic Anthropology 1
Geology of the Grand Canyon
Introduction to Oceanography
Field Studies for Educators
Field Studies for Educators
Field Geology of the Southwest
Field Geology of the Southwest
Field Geology of the Southwest
Special Topics in Geology
Special Topics in Geology
Special Topics in Geology
Special Topics in Geology
Geology of Arizona Lecture
Geology of Arizona Lab
Volunteerism for Geology: A Service Learning Experience
Courses below meet Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.
Introduction to Geology I - Physical Lecture
and Introduction to Geology I - Physical Lab
Introduction to Geology I - Physical
Introduction to Geology II - Historical Lecture
and Introduction to Geology II - Historical Lab
Introduction to Geology II - Historical
Introduction to Planetary Science
Life in the Universe
Geological Disasters and the Environment
and Geological Disasters and the Environment Lab
Geological Disasters and the Environment
Physical Geography
Courses below meet Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.
Introduction to Physical Geography Lecture
Introduction to Physical Geography Lab
and Introduction to Physical Geography
Landform Processes
Introduction to Meteorology I
and Introduction to Meteorology Laboratory I
Climate and Weather
and Climate and Weather Laboratory
Physical Science
Fundamentals of Physical Science 1
The Science of Musical Instruments 1
Introduction to Physical Science: Astronomy, Meteorology, Geology and Oceanography 1
Introduction to Physics 1
Introduction to Physics 1
General Physics I 1
General Physics I 1
General Physics II 1
University Physics I 1
University Physics II 1
University Physics I: Mechanics 1
University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 1
Biopsychology 1
Research Methods 1
Research Methods Laboratory 1

Course(s) meets Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.

Literacy and Critical Inquiry (0-3 Credits)

Literacy requirements may be met with 0 credits only if CRE101 College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking or COM225 Public Speaking is shared between Core and Distribution (see Academic Policies section). The credits are only counted once, but may be applied to meet [Critical Reading and Literacy and Critical Inquiry] or [Oral Communication and Literacy and Critical Inquiry] requirements.

Distribution Area - Literacy and Critical Inquiry
Select up to three credits from the following:0-3
American Indian Studies
Fundamentals of Economic Development for Indigenous Nations 1
American Indian Religions 1
Argumentation 1
Public Speaking 1
Oral Interpretation of Literature 1
Counseling and Personal Development
Introduction to Multiculturalism 1
Critical Reading
College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking 1
Critical Reading and Writing in a Global Society 1
Culinary Arts
Food Service Management 1
Dance Humanities
Hip Hop: Arts, Aesthetic and Culture 1
Service-Learning Experience in Education 1
Technical and Professional Writing 1
Reading and Writing About Literature 1
Strategies of Academic Writing 1
Persuasive Writing on Public Issues 1
Personal and Exploratory Writing 1
Writing about Literature 1
English Humanities
American Literature Before 1860 1
Literature and Film 1
Contemporary U.S. Literature and Film 1
Out There: Science Fiction Narrative 1
Exercise Science
Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice 1
Food and Nutrition
Research in Complementary and Alternative Nutrition Therapies 1
General Business
Business Communication 1
Physical Geography
Extreme Weather and Climate 1
Introduction to Popular Culture 1
Disability Studies 1
Ideas and Values in the Humanities: Early Civilizations to the Renaissance 1
Ideas and Values in the Humanities: Renaissance to the Contemporary World 1
Information Studies
Information in a Post-Truth World 1
News Writing 1
News and Media Production
Feature Writing 1
Mass Communications
Cultural Diversity and the Media 1
Music: History/Literature
Hip-Hop Music and Culture 1
Introduction to Logic 1
Philosophy of Sexuality 1
Political Philosophy 1
Philosophy of Religion 1
Political Science
Issues in American Politics 1
Research Methods 1
Research Methods Laboratory 1
Religious Studies
American Indian Religions 1
Religion and the Modern World 1
Ritual, Symbol, and Myth 1
Philosophy of Religion 1
Studies in Language & Culture
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory 1
Modern Drama 1
Theatre Performance/Production
Oral Interpretation of Literature 1

Course meets Arizona General Education Curriculum AGEC requirements.

Elective Courses (15-22 Credits)

May select courses from prefixes already chosen for General Education Distribution requirements in order to develop depth in one or more subject areas.