Academic Catalog

Communication (COM)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

COM095 / Basic Oral Communication Skills
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Listening, speaking, and related academic performance skills, including note taking. Emphasis on activities designed to improve and synthesize these skills. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM100 / Introduction to Human Communication
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Introduces the theory and practice of human communication. Surveys communication topics related to interpersonal, small group, and public communication. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# COM 1100
Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM100AA / Introduction to Human Communication Part I
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Introduces the theory and practice of human communication. Surveys communication topics related to interpersonal, small group, and public communication. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: General Education Designation: Social-Behavioral Sciences - [SB] in combination with: COM100AB and COM100AC.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM100AB / Introduction to Human Communication Part II
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Introduces the theory and practice of human communication. Surveys communication topics related to interpersonal, small group, and public communication. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: General Education Designation: Social-Behavioral Sciences - [SB] in combination with: COM100AA and COM100AC.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM100AC / Introduction to Human Communication Part III
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Introduces the theory and practice of human communication. Surveys communication topics related to interpersonal, small group, and public communication. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: General Education Designation: Social-Behavioral Sciences - [SB] in combination with: COM100AA and COM100AB.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM110 / Interpersonal Communication
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Theory and practice of communication skills which affect day-to-day interactions with other persons. Topics may include using verbal and nonverbal symbols, interactive listening, resolving interpersonal conflict, developing and maintaining personal and professional relationships. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# COM 1110
Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM110AA / Interpersonal Communication Part I
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Theory and practice of communication skills which affect day-to- day interactions with other persons. Topics may include using verbal and nonverbal symbols, interactive listening, resolving interpersonal conflict, developing and maintaining personal and professional relationships. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: General Education Designation: Social-Behavioral Sciences - [SB] in combination with: COM110AB and COM110AC

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM110AB / Interpersonal Communication Part II
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Theory and practice of communication skills which affect day-to- day interactions with other persons. Topics may include using verbal and nonverbal symbols, interactive listening, resolving interpersonal conflict, developing and maintaining personal and professional relationships. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: General Education Designation: Social-Behavioral Sciences - [SB] in combination with: COM110AA and COM110AC

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM110AC / Interpersonal Communication Part III
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Theory and practice of communication skills which affect day-to-day interactions with other persons. Topics may include using verbal and nonverbal symbols, interactive listening, resolving interpersonal conflict, developing and maintaining personal and professional relationships. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: General Education Designation: Social-Behavioral Sciences - [SB] in combination with: COM110AA and COM110AB

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM163 / Intercultural Communication in Everyday Life
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Provides knowledge to promote greater understanding and application of intercultural communication in social and organizational interactions. For advanced non-native English speakers. Prerequisites: Appropriate English placement test score at the ENG101 or ENG107 level, or a grade of "C" or better in ENG091 or ESL097, or permission of Instructor.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the US [C]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]; Global Awareness [G]; Global Awareness [G]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM207 / Introduction to Communication Inquiry
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Overview of theory and methodological practice in communication with particular attention to scholarly writing skills. Emphasis on development of critical thinking skills through active participation in the research process. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENG101 or ENG107 or equivalent, and COM100 or equivalent, or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: Recommended for the communication major.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM222 / Argumentation
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Discussion and practice of the use of evidence, applied reasoning, recognition of fallacies, selection of arguments, and methods of analyzing issues. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENG101, or ENG107, or equivalent.

Fulfills: Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]; Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM225 / Public Speaking
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Designed to enhance the student's ability to present public speeches confidently and competently. Also designed to improve information literacy and critical thinking skills. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENG101, or ENG107, or equivalent.

Fulfills: Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]; Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM230 / Small Group Communication
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Principles and processes of small groups and development of skills for participation and leadership in small group settings. Practice in problem solving, decision making, and information sharing. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# COM 2271
Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM241 / Oral Interpretation of Literature
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

The study, analysis, and preparation for performance of prose, poetry, and dramatic literature. Preparation of material for public audiences. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENG101 or ENG107.

Crosslisted: THP241
Fulfills: Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo; Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]; Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM250 / Introduction to Organizational Communication
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Introduction to the study of communication in organizations including identification of variables, roles and patterns influencing communication in organizations. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM259 / Communication in Business and Professions
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Interpersonal, organizational, intercultural, group, and public communication in business and professional organizations. Emphasis on oral communication and the effective use of technology and new media. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENG101, or ENG107, or equivalent.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
COM263 / Elements of Intercultural Communication
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Diverse cultural contexts are explored through basic concepts, principles, and theories of intercultural communication. Discovering effective interaction and appropriate communication in a global community is emphasized. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Cultural Diversity in the US [C]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]; Global Awareness [G]; Global Awareness [G]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts