Academic Catalog

Fields of Interest Matrix

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The Maricopa County Community College Field of Interest Matrix identifies all programs currently available for offering within the ten (10) community colleges and skill centers of the district. The programs are grouped under Field of Interest as requested by the colleges. For specific information regarding individual programs, contact the college(s) listed as participating institutions.

College Key

Code College
CG: Chandler Gilbert Community College
PC: Phoenix College
EM: Estrella Mountain Community College
PV: Paradise Valley Community College
GC: Glendale Community College
RS: Rio Salado College
GW GateWay Community College
SC: Scottsdale Community College
MC: Mesa Community College
SM: South Mountain Community College

Applied Technology

Field College
Air Conditioning and Electrical Accessories GW
Air Conditioning/Refrigeration/Facilities GW
Aircraft Maintenance Technology CG
Aircraft Maintenance Technology-Airframe CG
Aircraft Maintenance Technology-Powerplant CG
Airway Science Technology, Flight Emphasis CG
Applied Electrical Technologies RS
Architectural and Civil CAD Technology GC
Architectural Technology SC
Automated Industrial Technology EM, MC
Automated Industrial Technology I EM, MC
Automated Industrial Technology II EM, MC
Automotive Automatic Transmission and Transaxle GC, GW, MC
Automotive Brake Systems GC, GW, MC
Automotive Chassis GC, GW, MC
Automotive Drive Train GC, GW, MC
Automotive Electrical, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems GC, GW, MC
Automotive Electronic/Electrical Systems GC, GW, MC
Automotive Engine Performance GC, GW, MC
Automotive Engine Repair GC, GW, MC
Automotive Engine Repair and Performance GC, GW, MC
Automotive Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems GC, GW, MC
Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair GC, GW, MC
Automotive Manual Drive Train and Axles GC, GW, MC
Automotive Service GC, GW, MC
Automotive Steering and Suspension GC, GW, MC
Basic Automotive Maintenance RS
Brakes, Alignment, Suspension and Steering MC
Building Inspection GW, MC
Cable and Wire Harness Assembly MC
CAD Application GC
CAD Fundamentals GC
Carpenter Apprenticeship GW
Caterpillar Technician Training MC
Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane Rating CG
Clean Energy Management PC
CNC Machine Operator GW, MC
CNC Machine Operator (Day) GW
CNC Machine Operator (Night) GW
CNC Machining I GW, MC
CNC Machining I (Day) GW
CNC Machining I (Night) GW
CNC Machining II GW, MC
CNC Machinist (Day) GW
CNC Machinist (Night) GW
Collision Repair Technician (Day) GW
Collision Repair Technician (Night) GW
Computer Aided Drafting MC
Construction Building Codes MC
Construction Management MC
Construction Safety OSHA 30 MC
Construction Technology MC, SM
Construction Trades: Acoustics GW
Construction Trades: Drywall GW
Construction Trades - Mechanical Trades: Pipefitting GW
Construction Trades - Mechanical Trades: Plumbing GW
Construction Trades - Mechanical Trades: Sheet Metal GW
Construction Trades: Carpentry GW, MC, RS, SM
Construction Trades: Carpentry, Commercial and Residential MC, RS, SM
Construction Trades: Carpentry, Commercial and Residential (Day) GW
Construction Trades: Construction Management GW, MC
Construction Trades: Electrical MC, RS, SM
Construction Trades: Electrical (Day) GW
Construction Trades: Electrical (Night) GW
Construction Trades: Electrical, Commercial and Residential MC, RS, SM
Construction Trades: Electrical, Commercial and Residential (Day) GW
Construction Trades: Electrical, Commercial and Residential (Night) GW
Construction Trades: Electricity GW
Construction Trades: Heat and Frost Insulation GW
Construction Trades: Ironworking GW
Construction Trades: Millwrighting GW
Construction Trades: Painting and Drywalling GW
Construction Trades: Plumbing GW, MC, RS, SM
Construction Trades: Plumbing, Commercial and Residential GW, MC, RS, SM
Construction Trades: Pre-Apprenticeship GW
Drafting and Design Technology MC
Electric Utility Technology CG
Electrical Installer (Day) GW
Electrical Installer (Night) GW
Electrical Systems Technology EM
Electrical Technician (Day) GW
Electrical Technician (Night) GW
Electrical Technology GW
Electrical Technology - Commercial Wiring GW
Electrical Technology - Industrial Wiring GW
Electrical Technology: Residential Wiring GW
Energy and Industrial Technology EM
Engine Performance and Diagnosis GW
Environmental Science and Water Resources Technologies GW
Environmental Science Technology GW
HVAC Commercial Installation and Service Technician GW
HVAC Residential Installation and Service Technician GW
HVAC Residential Installation and Service Technician (Day) GW
HVAC Residential Installation and Service Technician (Night) GW
HVAC Technician (Night) GW
Industrial Design Technology GW
Industrial Design Technology: Design Specialist GW
International Residential Code MC
J-STD Soldering Certification MC
Lineman Technology Level I RS
Lineman Technology Level II RS
Lineman Technology Level III RS
Lineman Technology Level IV RS
Maintenance Technician: Apartments GW
Manufacturing Production Technology MC
Mechanical Drafting MC
Mechanical Systems Technology EM
Millwrighting GW
Nanotechnology RS
Nanotechnology and Manufacturing RS
Nuclear Power Technology EM
Power Systems Technology EM
Quality Assurance GW
Robotics Technology EM, MC
Salt River Project Relay Apprentice MC
Unmanned Aircraft Systems CG
Water and Wastewater Treatment GW
Welding MC
Welding: Combination (Day) GW
Welding: Combination (Night) GW
Welding: Fundamentals MC
Welding: Fundamentals (Day) GW
Welding: Fundamentals (Night) GW
Welding: Gas Metal / Flux Cored Arc Welding (GMAW)/(FCAW) MC
Welding: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Ferrous MC
Welding: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Ferrous and Non-Ferrous (Day) GW
Welding: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Ferrous and Non-Ferrous (Night) GW
Welding: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Non-Ferrous MC
Welding: Pipe and Plate (Day) GW
Welding: Pipe and Plate (Night) GW
Welding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) (Day) GW
Welding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) (Night) GW
Welding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Pipe MC
Welding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Pipe (Day) GW
Welding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Pipe (Night) GW
Welding: Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Plate MC
Welding: TIG (GTAW) (Day) GW
Welding: TIG (GTAW) (Night) GW

Behavioral Science and Human Services

Field College
Addictions and Substance Use Disorders RS
Addictions and Substance Use Disorders Level I RS
Addictions and Substance Use Disorders Level II RS
Administration of Justice CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Administration of Justice Studies CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Adolescent Studies PC
Advanced Behavioral Health Sciences GC, SM
Advanced Corrections and Detention RS
Advanced Juvenile Corrections RS
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Counseling and Applied Psychological Science CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Criminal Justice CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Family Life Education CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Law and Policy CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Political Science CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Psychology CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Social Work CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Basic Behavioral Health Sciences GC, SM
Basic Corrections RS
Basic Detention RS
Behavioral Sciences GC, SM
Child and Family Organizations Management and Administration GC, RS
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Level IPC Corrections CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Corrections and Detention RS
Crime Scene Investigation CG, GC, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Developmental Disabilities Specialist GC
Driver Operator GC, MC, PC, PV
Emergency Communications RS
Emergency Communications and Deployment PC
Emergency Management GC, MC, PC, PV
Fingerprint Identification and Photography CG, GC, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Fire Science GC, MC, PC, PV
Fire Service Management GC, MC, PC, PV
Firearms RS
Firefighter Operations GC, MC, PC, PV
Forensic Science CG, GC, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Hazardous Materials Response PC
Homeland Security CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SM
Human Services - Specialist: Customer Service RS
Human Services - Unemployment Insurance: Customer Service RS
Human Services-Assistance: Public Assistance Eligibility RS
Juvenile Corrections RS
Law Enforcement CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Law Enforcement Field Training RS
Law Enforcement Investigation GC, RS
Law Enforcement Training CG, GC, RS
Law Enforcement Training Academy CG, GC, RS
Leadership in Public Safety Organizations CG, GC, MC, PC, RS
Legal Studies CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SM
Non-Sworn Fire Service Professional GC, MC, PC, PV
Paralegal RS
Paralegal Studies PC
Professional Addictions Counseling RS
Public Safety Leadership RS
Public Safety Technology RS
Search Warrant Preparation RS
Stage Combat PV
Substance Use Prevention and Interventions RS
Terrorism Liaison Training: Level PC
Terrorism Liaison Training: Level II PC
Victimology CG, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SM
Workforce Development and Community Re-Entry RS
Workforce Development: Foundations in Addictions and Substance Use Disorders RS

Business, Entrepreneurialism, and Management

Field College
Accounting CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Administrative Professional CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SM
Advocate Driven Healthcare: Customer Service RS
Airline Operations RS
Airline Operations: Reservations and Ticketing Services RS
Apprentice Meat Cutter GW
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Journalism and New Media Studies CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Business, General Requirements (ABUS-GR) CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Business, Special Requirements (ABUS-SR) CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Automobile Insurance Claims: Customer Service RS
Automobile Insurance: Customer Service RS
Automobile Insurance: Policy Services RS
Automobile Insurance: Sales RS
Automobile Insurance: Sales Service RS
Bank Account Management: Customer Service RS
Banking and Finance GW, PC
Beauty and Wellness GW, MC
Broadband Telecommunications RS
Broadband Telecommunications: Field Operations RS
Business Administration Fastrack CG, GC, MC, PC, SC
Business Technology: Customer Service RS
Business Technology Specialist GW
Cannabis Business Fundamentals SC
Commercial Baking and Pastry EM, PC, SC
Commercial Real Estate GC, MC, RS, SC, SM
Court Reporting: Judicial GW
Credit Counseling: Customer Service RS
Culinary Arts EM, SC
Culinary Arts I EM, SC
Culinary Arts II EM, SC
Culinary Fundamentals SC, SM
Debt Resolution: Customer Service RS
Debt Resolution: Sales RS
Enrolled Agent CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Entrepreneurial Studies Level I GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Entrepreneurial Studies Level II GC, GW, MC, PC, RS, SC, SM
Esports CG, RS, SM
Fashion Merchandising MC, PC
Financial Industry GW
General Business CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Health Care Insurance: Customer Service RS
Hospitality: Golf Management SC
Hospitality: Hotel Management SC
Hospitality: Meeting and Event Management SC
Hospitality: Restaurant Management SC
Hospitality: Spa and Wellness Center Management SC
Hospitality: Tourism Development and Management SC
Human Resources Management CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, RS, SC, SM
Insurance: Customer Service RS
Licensed Residential Appraiser MC
Loan Consolidation: Customer Service RS
Management CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Marketing GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Marketing and Sales GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC
Motor Vehicle: Customer Service RS
Organizational Leadership CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Organizational Management CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Personal Loans: Customer Service RS
Prescription Prior Authorization: Customer Service RS
Project Management MC
Property Insurance: Customer Service RS
Public Administration RS
Public Relations MC
Quality Customer Service RS
Real Estate: Prelicense GC, MC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Residential Appraisal Trainee MC
Retail Management CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, RS, SC, SM
Retail Pharmacy: Customer Service RS
Risk Management and Insurance CG, MC, RS, SC
Securities Industry Essentials CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Security Industry Essentials: Pre-licensure CG, GC, GW, PC, SC
Small Business Management Level I CG, GC, GW, EM, MC, PC, RS, SM
Small Business Management Level II CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, RS, SM
Small Business Start-Up CG, PV
State Service Leadership: ADOT Leads GW
Social Media Marketing CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Telecommunications Collections RS
Utilities: Customer Service RS
Water Services: Customer Service RS
Web Hosting: Customer Service RS

Computer and Information Technology

Field College
Adobe Foundations: Animation and Graphics Production CG, GC, MC, PV, SM
Adobe Foundations: Audio and Video Production MC, SM
Amazon Web Services Cloud Associate CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Amazon Web Services Cloud Practitioner CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Amazon Web Services Cloud Specialist CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Android App Development CG, GW, MC, PC, RS, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Computer Science CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Blockchain Technology RS
Cisco Certified Network Professional: Enterprise CG, GC, GW, MC, PV, SC, SM
Cisco Certified Network Professional: Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services CG, GC, GW, MC, PV, SC, SM
Cisco Certified Network Professional: Enterprise Core CG, GC, GW, MC, PV, SC, SM
Cisco Network Administration and Security CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PV, SC, SM
Cisco Network Administration: CCNA CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, SC, SM
Cisco Network Administration: CCNP CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, SC, SM
CompTIA A+ Certification Prep GW
CompTIA Security+ Certification Prep GW
Computer Support Specialist (Day) GW
Computer Support Specialist (Night) GW
Computer System Configuration and Support CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Computer System Configuration and Support, Linux CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Computer System Configuration and Support, Network CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Computer System Configuration and Support, Security CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Critical Infrastructure EM, GC
Cross Functional Design and Web Essentials MC, SC
Cross-Platform App Development GW, MC, PC, RS, SM
Cyber Engineering CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Cyber Operations CG, GC, GW, MC, PV, SM
Cybersecurity CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Cybersecurity Fundamentals CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Data Analytics CG, EM, GW, MC, PV, RS, SC
Database Development EM, MC, SC
Desktop Support CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Foundations of Mobile App Development MC, PC, RS, SM
Information Security GC
Information Security Technology GC
Information Technology CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
iOS App Development CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
IT Security Associate EM
Kubernetes Security CG, GC, MC
Linux Associate CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Linux System Administration CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Microsoft Desktop Associate CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Microsoft Office Professional CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Microsoft Office Specialist CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Microsoft System Administration CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV
Mobile App Development MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Native Mobile App Development GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SM
Network and Cyber Fundamentals GW
Network and Systems Administration CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Network Specialist (Day) GW
Network Specialist (Night) GW
Network Support Specialist GW
Network Support Technician GW
Oracle Database Operations CG
Programming EM, RS, SM
Programming and Systems Analysis CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC
Programming and Systems Analysis Level I CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC
Programming and Systems Analysis Level II CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC
Python Applications CG, MC, SM
Red Hat Linux Administrator CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Red Hat Linux Engineer CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Security Specialist GW
Video Game Production GC, MC, PV
Video Game Production: Audio and Sound GC, MC, PV
Video Game Production: Coding and Scripting GC, MC, PV
Video Game Production: Game Art GC, MC, PV
Video Game Production: Game Narrative GC, MC, PV
VMware Foundations EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, SC
VMware Network Administrator CG, EM, GC, MC
VMware Systems Administrator EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, SC
Web App Development CG, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Web Design CG, EM, GC, MC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Web Design/Development CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Web Development CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Web Foundations CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Windows App Development GW, MC, PC, RS, SM

Culture and Society

Field College
African-American Studies MC
American Indian Studies MC, PC, SC
Applied Bilingual Spanish Language Skills SM
Applied Storytelling EM, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in American Indian Studies CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Anthropology CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Communication CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Economics CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in English (Creative Writing) CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in English (Literature) CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in History CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Humanities CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Information Studies and eSociety CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Japanese CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Philosophy CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Religious Studies CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Sociology CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Spanish CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Women and Gender Studies CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Chicana and Chicano Studies CG, GC, PC
Communication Competence in the Workplace GC, MC
Communication Skills for Non-Native English Speakers GC, MC
Creative Writing CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS
Deaf Studies PC
Foundations of Storytelling EM, SM
Global Citizenship MC
International Studies PC
Interpreter Preparation. PC
Journalism and New Media Studies GC, MC
Language and Literary Culture of the USA RS
Language Studies CG, GC, MC, RS
Oral Communication Fluency for Non-Native English Speakers GC, MC
Southwest Studies PC
Spanish Language and Culture CG, MC, RS
Sustainability and Ecological Literacy EM, RS, SM
Sustaining and Advancing Indigenous Nations SC
Traditional and Fact-Based Storytelling EM, SM
Women and Gender Studies CG, MC


Field College
Associate in Arts, Elementary Education (AAEE) CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Early Childhood Education CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Educational Studies Early Childhood CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Secondary Education CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Secondary Education CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Early Childhood Education CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SM
Foundations of Early Childhood Education CG, EM, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS, SM
Gifted Education EM
Instructional Assistance MC, SM
K-12 eLearning Design RS
K-12 Online Teaching RS

Health Sciences

Field College
Aesthetician (24 Hours Per Week) GW
Aesthetics Instructor GW
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Community Health CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Exercise Science CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Nutritional Science CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Speech and Hearing Science CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Clinical Medical Assisting PC
Community Health Paramedicine GC, MC, PC, PV
Computed Tomography GW
Cosmetologist (20 Hours Per Week) GW
Cosmetologist (32 Hours Per Week) GW
Cosmetologist (High School) GW
Cosmetology Instructor GW
Critical Care Paramedicine GC, MC, PC, PV
Dental Assisting PC
Dental Hygiene MC, PC, RS
Diagnostic Medical Sonography GW
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Technician GW
Electroneurodiagnostic (END) Technology GW
Emergency Medical Services and Fire Preparatory Academy GW
Emergency Medical Technology CG, GC, MC, PC, PV, RS
Emergency Medical Technology (EMT) GW
Emergency Medical Technology (EMT) (High School) GW
Emergency Medical Technology Comprehensive CG, GC, MC, PC, PV
Endoscopy GW
Exercise Science: Health, Fitness and Sports Performance CG, GC, MC, PV, SC, SM
Fast Track Practical Nursing GC, GW, MC
Foundations of Sports Medicine RS
Group Fitness Instructor MC
Hair Stylist (20 Hours Per Week) GW
Hair Stylist (32 Hours Per Week GW
Health and Wellness Coaching GC
Health Information Technology PC
Health Information: Long Term Care Settings PC
Health Services Management GW
Health Unit Coordinating/Patient Care Associate GW
Healthcare Regulatory Compliance GW
Healthcare Technology Systems PV
Histologic Technology PC
Hospital Central Service Technology GW
Integrated Public Health: Community Health Work PV, SC
Laboratory Assisting PC
Magnetic Resonance Imaging GW
Massage Therapy PC
Massage Therapy (24 Hours Per Week) GW
Medical Administrative Assisting PC
Medical Assisting (Day) GW
Medical Assisting (Night) GW
Medical Billing and Coding: Physician Based (Day) GW
Medical Billing and Coding: Physician Based (Night) GW
Medical Billing and Coding: Physician-Based PC
Medical Coding: Hospital-Based PC
Medical Interpreter - Spanish (12 Hours Per Week) GW
Medical Interpreter - Spanish (6 Hours Per Week) GW
Medical Laboratory Science PC
Micro Certificate in Recreation Management SC
Musculoskeletal Sonography GW
Nail Technician GW
Nail Technician Instructor GW
Nuclear Medicine Technology GW
Nurse Assisting GC, GW, MC, PV, SC
Nursing CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC
Nursing Refresher GW, MC
Nutrition and Dietetic Technology PV
Nutrition for Personal Trainers and Coaches SC
Occupational Therapy Assistant GW
Operating Room Nursing GW
Ophthalmic Medical Administrative Assistant Apprenticeship GW
Ophthalmic Medical Assistant GW
Ophthalmic Medical Assistant Apprenticeship GW
Paramedicine GC, MC, PC, PV
Personal Trainer CG, GC, MC, PV, SC, SM
Personal Trainer: Advanced CG, GC, MC, PV, SC, SM
Pharmacy Technician GW
Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship GW
Pharmacy Technology SC
Phlebotomy PC
Phlebotomy (Day) GW
Phlebotomy (Night) GW
Physical Therapist Assisting GW
Polysomnographic Technology GW
Practical Nursing CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC
Radiologic Technology GW
Recreation Management SC
Respiratory Care GW
Spanish Interpreting for Healthcare Professionals GW
Speech Language Pathology Assistant EM
Sustainable Food Systems RS
Sustainable Food Systems: Food Entrepreneur RS
Sustainable Food Systems: Food Service RS
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care GC, MC, PC, PV
Yoga Instruction SC

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Field College
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning CG, EM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Food Science and Technology CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Geography CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Mathematics CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Emphasis in Sustainability and Environmental Studies CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Astronomy CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Biochemistry CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Biological Sciences CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Chemistry CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Engineering CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Geography - Meteorology . CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Geology CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Associate in Science, Emphasis in Physics CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Biomedical Equipment Technology GC, MC
Biotechnology and Molecular Biosciences GC
Electronics Engineering Technology MC
Electronics Technology MC
Engineering Technology CG, EM, GC, PV, SM
Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation PC
Environmental and Natural Resource Stewardship PC
Equine Science SC
Food Science and Technology I SM
Food Science and Technology II SM
Geospatial Technologies MC
Landscape Aide MC
Landscape Horticulture MC
Landscape Specialist MC
Mortuary Science CG
Sustainability CG, GC, MC, PV, RS, SC, SM
Sustainable Agriculture MC
Veterinary Assisting MC
Veterinary Technology MC
Workforce Development: Introduction to Sustainable Food Systems RS

Visual and Performing Arts

Field College
Alteration Specialist MC, PC
Animation GC, MC, PC
Animation and Time-Based Media GC, MC, PC
Apparel Construction MC, PC
Associate in Arts, Fine Arts CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Fine Arts, Emphasis in Art CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Fine Arts, Emphasis in Dance CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Fine Arts, Emphasis in Music CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Fine Arts, Emphasis in Musical Theatre CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Associate in Arts, Fine Arts, Emphasis in Theatre CG, EM, GC, GW, MC, PC, PV, SC, SM
Audio Production Technologies GC, MC, PC, PV
Beginning Piano Pedagogy MC
Ceramics MC
Commercial and Freelance Photography GC, PC
Costume Design and Production, Level I MC, PC
Costume Design and Production, Level II PC
Dance Performance and Technology SC
Digital Arts: Digital Photography MC
Digital Media Arts GC, PC
Disc Jockey Techniques MC
Disc Jockey Techniques I MC
Disc Jockey Techniques II MC
Documentary Film Production GC
Drawing and Painting MC
Editing SC
Fashion Design MC, PC
Fashion Design: Entrepreneur PC
Fashion Design: Level I MC, PC
Fashion Design: Level II PC
Fashion Illustration PC
Film and Media Production GC
Graphic Design MC, PC
Illustration CG, MC, PC
Illustration and Sequential Art CG, MC, PC
Image Consultant MC
Industrial Sewing PC
Interior Design PC, SC
Interior Design Kitchen and Bath PC, SC
Interior Design Professional SC
Interior Design Technology PC, SC
Interior Design Upholstery and Soft Goods Production PC
Interior Merchandising and Home Staging EM, PC, SC
Intermediate Piano Pedagogy MC
Motion Picture Production SC
Motion Picture, Television, and New Media Production SC
Music Business I GC, MC, PC, PV, SM
Music Business II GC, MC, PC, PV, SM
Music Industries: Music Business GC, MC, PC, PV, SM
Pattern Design, Level I PC
Pattern Design, Level II PC
Photography CG, GC, MC, PC
Retail Sales Manager MC
Screenwriting SC
Sequential Art CG, MC, PC
Technical Theatre MC, PC, SC
Technical Theatre: Audio Technician GC, MC, PC, PV
Technical Theatre: Cosplay I MC
Technical Theatre: Cosplay II MC
Technical Theatre: Costuming GC, MC, PC, PV
Technical Theatre: Hair and Makeup MC
Technical Theatre: Lighting MC, PC, PV
Technical Theatre: Properties MC, PC, PV, SC
Technical Theatre: Puppetry MC, PC, PV
Technical Theatre: Set/Scenic Construction MC, PC
Technical Theatre: Stage Crew Technician GC, MC, PC, PV, SC
Textile and Apparel: Fashion Stylist MC
Time-Based Media MC, PC
Visual Communication SC
Visual Communication: Creative Branding SC
Visual Communication: Design SC
Visual Communication: Digital Process Management SC