Academic Catalog

Theatre Performance/Production (THP)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

THP112 / Acting I
3 Credits / 4.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Fundamental techniques and terminology of acting through physical and vocal expression, improvisation, and monologue and scene work. Emphasis on characterization. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP131 / Stage Movement
3 Credits / 4.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Movement skills for the actor to develop a flexible, expressive physical instrument. Includes pantomime, physical isolation, and awareness exercises. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP201AA / Theatre Production I
1 Credit / 2.0 Periods for Laboratory

Designed to give college credit to the cast and technical production crews of college theatre productions. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: THP201AA may be repeated for a total of four (4) credit hours.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP201AB / Theatre Production II
2 Credits / 4.0 Periods for Laboratory

Designed to give college credit to the cast and technical production crews of college theatre productions. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: THP201AB may be repeated for a total of four (4) credit hours.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP212 / Acting II
3 Credits / 4.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Fundamental techniques of acting through script analysis, rehearsal, and performance. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in THP112 or permission of Department or Division.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP213 / Introduction to Technical Theatre
4 Credits / 2.0 Periods for Laboratory, 4.0 Periods for Lecture

Procedures of technical theatre production and demonstration. Topics include design and construction of scenery, lighting, and properties. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP214 / Directing Techniques
3 Credits / 4.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Contemporary theory and practice in directing, the evolution of present-day directing procedures, and a sampling of scripts for directing practice. Principles of script analysis, blocking, casting, rehearsing, and performing. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in THP112 or THE220, or permission of Instructor.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP217 / Introduction to Design Scenography
3 Credits / 4.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

The role of the theatre designer in creating scenic, lighting, costume, sound, and multimedia effects for stage productions. Elements of the design process and communication of dramatic themes and visions to the audience. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP241 / Oral Interpretation of Literature
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

The study, analysis, and preparation for performance of prose, poetry, and dramatic literature. Preparation of material for public audiences. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ENG101 or ENG107.

Crosslisted: COM241
Fulfills: Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo; Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]; Literacy & Critical Inquiry [L]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP271 / Voice and Diction
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Exercises and techniques to free the voice and improve projection, resonance, and articulation. Covers international phonetic alphabet and standard stage speech. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
THP273 / Musical Theatre Production
1 Credit / 5.0 Periods for Laboratory

Principles and techniques for musical theatre production performance. Includes audition techniques, stage directions, character role development, rehearsal techniques, vocal acting styles and vocal technique, stage movement, crew roles, and performance. Prerequisites: By audition.

Crosslisted: MUP273
Division: Communication & Fine Arts