Academic Catalog

Sociology (SOC)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

SOC101 / Introduction to Sociology
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

The systematic study of social behavior and human groups, particularly the influence of culture, socialization, social structure, stratification, social institutions, differentiation by region, race, ethnicity, sex/gender, age, class, and socio/cultural change upon people's attitudes and behaviors. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# SOC 1101
Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC110 / Drugs and Society
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Provides a sociological understanding of drug use and policy. Examines social-cultural factors contributing to use and abuse and effects of commonly used drugs on the individual and society. Reviews current theories and research relating to drug use. Introduces extensive coverage of various methods and statistics for measuring drug use. Explores prevention, intervention, and treatment. Examines public policies concerning drug related issues. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC130 / Human Sexuality
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Sociological study of human sexuality. Course examines the social forces that shape a culture’s sexual practices, attitudes, and inequalities. Topics include the social construction of sexuality, social change, sexual identities, sexual inequalities, institutional influence and regulation of sexuality, as well as current trends and issues surrounding human sexuality. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: SOC130 contains mature adult content and some of the topics discussed may be considered "controversial" or "taboo" in some societies and cultures. Students are expected to be able to engage with the content in a respectful and open-minded way.

Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC141 / Sovereign Indian Nations
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Explores the sovereign status of American Indians as it relates to social relationships, traditions, and culture of American Indians. Reviews historic relations with non-Indian societies, the development of federal Indian law, tribal governments and their functions. Examines treaty rights, environmental issues, public policy, economic development, other current issues, and contemporary social problems. Prerequisites: None.

Crosslisted: AIS141
Fulfills: Cultural Diversity in the US [C]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]; Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC143 / Sociology of African American Problems
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Social, economic, political and domestic problems encountered by African Americans in typical urban environments. Emphasis on the specific dynamics of adjustment, survival and empowerment of urban African Americans. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC157 / Sociology of Families and Relationships
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Systemic analysis of socio-cultural and historical origins of modern families in the U.S. and their importance, major challenges and changing trends. Explores being single, dating and attraction, love, cohabitation and marriage, family planning and parenthood, conflict and crisis within the family, and divorce. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC180 / Social Implications of Technology
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Effects of development and implementation of technology on society. Historical and multi-cultural comparisons of this process, current concerns addressed, and prospects for the future analyzed. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC212 / Gender and Society
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

A sociological analysis of the way culture shapes and defines the positions and roles of both men and women in society. Major emphasis on social conditions which may lead to a broadening of gender roles and a reduction of gender role stereotypes and the implications of these changes. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Cultural Diversity in the US [C]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC220 / Sport and Society
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Applies the sociological perspective to the study of sport. Emphasizes how hierarchies of race, class, and gender in the United States impact the sport experience of fans, athletes, and athletic administrators, as well as how professional, collegiate, and amateur sports have at times played a transformative role in society. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC241 / Race and Ethnic Relations
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Examines how the social construction of race shapes social interaction and social institutions. Explores the consequences of power, privilege and oppression among major ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# SOC 2215
Fulfills: Cultural Diversity in the US [C]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC245 / Social Deviance
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

A sociological analysis of social deviance including a review of theories, individual and social implications of deviant labeling, and relevant aspects of social control. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC251 / Social Problems
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

A systematic and in-depth survey of selected social problems and inequalities from a sociological perspective, including what is known about the problem, recent trends, their causes and consequences, individual and societal responses to them, and possible remedies or policies that could address these issues. Issues to be examined may include issues in health care, dependencies, crime/violence, inequalities in race/class/gender/region/age, family, education, work, the economy, population migration/immigration, the environment, war and global insecurity. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# SOC 2250
Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC253 / Social Class and Stratification
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Focus on the class structure of American Society. Effects of social class position on individual life chances. The occurrence, causes and consequences of poverty in the United States. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC265 / Sociology of Aging
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Examination of the aging process from post adolescence through old age from interdisciplinary and multicultural perspectives. Emphasis on positive participation in major social institutions and the amelioration of age-related problems. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC266 / Sociology Through Film
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Examines movie-going and the experience of spectatorship. Studies how motion pictures reflect, influence, and are influenced by American culture and societal institutions. Explores the role of the movie industry as a vehicle for social commentary, analysis, and criticism. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences
SOC270 / The Sociology of Health and Illness
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

The scientific study of the social patterns and social factors (e.g., class, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, kinship networks, marriage, educational status, age, place, and cultural practices) that influence health. The roles of health care providers and patients, various modalities of treatment, prevention and access, and the history, current status, future trends in medicine and medical technology, and complementary health care approaches from a cross-cultural and global sociological perspective. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Social & Behavioral Sciences