Academic Catalog

Small Business Management (SBS)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

SBS200 / Small Business Operations
2 Credits / 2.0 Periods for Lecture

In-depth analysis of and individual plan development for the "day-to-day" problems encountered in the operation of a small business. Includes the development of an individual business operations plan including finance, purchasing, production scheduling, maintenance, shipping/receiving,personnel management and insurance/risk management requirements. Investigation of daily problems related to inventory control and business expansion. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS202 / Small Business Bookkeeping And Tax Preparation
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Introduces accounting and recordkeeping with emphasis on practical use of financial data for the successful management of a small business. Develops an understanding of the accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements. Includes section on tax consequences and preparation for small business owners. Designed for the non-financially oriented owner/manager of a small business. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS203 / Financing And Cash Management For A Small Business
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Planning for and meeting the financial needs of the small business including cash flow planning, identification of financial needs and sources, equity and debt financing, and preparation of loan packages. Participants complete a financial plan for their individual company, with emphasis on cost controls, sales revenue projection, expense allocation, and inventory cost control. Day-to-day operational budgeting also included. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS204 / Small Business Marketing And Advertising
2 Credits / 2.0 Periods for Lecture

Introduction to marketing and advertising strategies and methods including business image, target market analysis, and customer buying behavior profile. Analysis and selection of advertising/business promotion methods and timing. Methods of deciding product and market segment focus included. Design of an individual marketing and advertising/promotion plan. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS213 / Hiring and Managing Employees
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Methods and techniques for managing employees in a small business. Includes supervisor's role, leadership styles, interpersonal communications, staff planning, employee work styles, techniques for handling problem employees, and employee motivation. Focuses on real life situations to enable the business owner to gain high performance from their employee team. Includes segment on hiring, new employee orientation, training, benefits, and developing future staffing needs assessment. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS214 / Small Business Customer Relations
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Developing and improving customer relations for the small business. Planning and delivering quality customer service. Includes topics on attitude of employees, customer perceptions and motivations, handling customer dissatisfaction, and developing customer, supplier, vendor, and distributor loyalty. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS216 / Planning for a Small Business
2 Credits / 2.0 Periods for Lecture

Relates business management issues to a specific small business through development of an individual study plan. Provides on-site review of business operation by trained instructor. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in (SBS200 and SBS204) or SBS220 or permission of Instructor.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS217 / Starting/Managing A Home Business
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Analysis of the successful operation of a home-based business. Includes study of economic feasibility, practicality, and adjustments for the family. Analysis of the advantages/disadvantages of operating a home based business, versus a storefront business. Review of current trends in home business opportunities and franchises. Descriptions of home businesses that have succeeded in local, national, and international markets. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS220 / Internet Marketing For Small Business
2 Credits / 2.0 Periods for Lecture

Focuses on "e-Commerce"-doing business on the Internet and planning a web site. Topics include: how the Internet can help growth and success of business; examples of successful marketing on the Internet; availability of Internet services; necessary hardware and software for marketing on the Internet; determining products/services appropriate for Internet marketing; budget constraints and ongoing operations of the Internet site. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS221 / Social Media Marketing for Small Business
2 Credits / 2.0 Periods for Lecture

Focuses on use of Social Media for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs. Topics include: Use of Social Media, types of Social Media, how Social Media can help growth and success of business; examples of successful Social Media marketing, setting up and deploying various types of Social Media. Options for hardware and software for Social Media, determining products/services appropriate for Social Media, Monetization of Social Media. Budget constraints and on-going monitoring and content management of Social Media. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies
SBS230 / Financial and Tax Management for Small Business
2 Credits / 2.0 Periods for Lecture

An overview of accounting and recordkeeping for the successful management of a small business. Develops an understanding of the accounting cycle and preparation of financial statements. Includes section on tax consequences and the choice of legal entity choice based on taxation. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Business and Computing Studies