Academic Catalog

History (HIS)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

HIS100 / History of Western Civilization to Middle Ages
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the origin and development of Western civilization and its institutions from prehistory through the Ancient World and the Middle Ages. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS101 / History of Western Civilization Middle Ages to 1789
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the history of the Western world from the emergence of Western civilization in the Middle Ages to the start of the French Revolution. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS102 / History of Western Civilization 1789 to Present
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the history of the Western world from the French Revolution to the present. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS103 / United States History to 1865
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

The political, economic, and social development of the United States from the Pre-Columbian period through the end of the Civil War (1865). Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# HIS 1131
Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS104 / United States History 1865 to Present
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

The political, economic, and social development of United States from 1865 to the present time. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# HIS 1132
Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS105 / Arizona History
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

The prehistoric and contemporary Native American experience, Spanish colonial times, the Mexican National period, the U.S. federal territorial years, and Arizona's political and economic development during the twentieth century. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS106 / Southwest History
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Historical survey of the American Southwest including ecological/environment, political, economic, religious and social developments. Includes the unique role of the region in national and global events. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS108 / United States History 1945 to the Present
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of American history from 1945 to the present. Focuses on the political, social, economic and cultural history of the United States from the end of World War II to the present time. Includes domestic developments and foreign policy. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS109 / Mexican-American History and Culture
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Examination of origins and development of Spanish-American and Mexican- American peoples and their contribution to culture, history and development of United States. Emphasis on Mexican-American War and its impact on educational, social, and economic conditions of the Mexican-Americans of the southwest. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Cultural Diversity in the US [C]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]; Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS110 / World History to 1500
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the economic, social, cultural, and political elements of world history from the beginning of human civilization to 1500. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN#: HIS 1100
Fulfills: Global Awareness [G]; Global Awareness [G]-in combo; Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS111 / World History 1500 to the Present
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the economic, social, cultural, and political elements of world history from 1500 to the present. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN#: HIS 1111
Fulfills: Global Awareness [G]; Global Awareness [G]-in combo; Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS113 / History of Eastern Civilizations to 1850
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

An examination of the development of civilizations, religions and philosophies in the Near East, India, Far East, and Southeast Asia from ancient times to the mid-nineteenth century. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS114 / History of Eastern Civilizations 1850 to Present
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Examination of characteristics and development of civilizations of Middle East, India, Far East, and Southeast Asia, from mid-nineteenth century to present. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Global Awareness [G]; Global Awareness [G]-in combo; Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS140 / American Indian History
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of American Indian history with emphasis on the last 200 years. Focuses on cultural, economic, political and social continuity and changes. Topics include how federal policies impacted and were shaped by Indigenous peoples and how Indigenous individuals, communities, and nations have maintained cultural identity and sovereignty. Prerequisites: None.

Crosslisted: AIS140
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS145 / History of Mexico
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the major forces that shaped the history of Mexico and its culturally diverse communities from pre-Columbian times to the present. Also examines how these historical forces continue to shape contemporary Mexican society and its place within the world. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS170 / American Indian History of the Southwest
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Covers history of American Indian Peoples of the Southwestern United States from pre-European contact era to the present. Includes historical events, the development and implementation of non-Indigenous policies and their impact on American Indian Peoples in these areas, and contemporary issues of importance. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS173 / United States Military History
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Focuses on the impact of the United States military in both peace and war on American society, politics and foreign relations from the colonial period to the present. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS190 / Environmental History
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Historical overview of the interactions between humans and the natural environment in various time periods and regions around the world. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS201 / History of Women in America
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Introduction to women's history from the colonial period to the present. Explores changes and developments which have influenced the lives of women. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS203 / African-American History to 1865
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

History and cultural heritage of African-Americans from their beginnings in Ancient Africa through the experience of chattel slavery in the Americas to their eventual emancipation and participation in the American Civil War. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Cultural Diversity in the US [C]-in combo; Cultural Diversity in the United States [C]; Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS204 / African-American History 1865 to Present
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Multifaceted experiences of African-American people from the post-Civil War period (1865) to the present, including the collective struggle for freedom, equality, and self-determination in the United States. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS209 / The Chicana/o in 20th and 21st Century America
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Analysis of the 20th and 21st century Chicano experience. Interdisciplinary approach to contemporary Mexican American history and culture in the borderlands. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS212 / History of Religion
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the historical contexts in which the major religions have emerged and evolved. Focuses on social and political events throughout history and their impact on religious beliefs and practices. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS240 / History of Islamic Civilization from the 6th Century to 1800
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Overview of the historical, economic, political, and cultural conditions that brought about the various transformations within the Arab/Islamic world; examination of the impact and interaction of the Islamic civilization with other peoples. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS241 / Latin American Civilization in the Colonial Period
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

A survey of the political, economic, and social forces which molded Latin American civilization in the Colonial Period. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS242 / Latin American Civilization in the Post-Colonial Period
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

A survey of the political, economic, and social forces which molded Latin American civilization in the period of the development of Republics. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Global Awareness [G]; Global Awareness [G]-in combo; Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS251 / History of England to 1700
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

History of England to 1660. Analysis of the major political, cultural, social, and intellectual, and social factors in English historical development from its earliest times till 1660. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS252 / History of England 1700 to Present
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Analysis of the major political, cultural, social, and intellectual factors in English historical development from 1650 to present. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS273 / US Experience in Vietnam 1945 - 1975
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the US experience in Vietnam, 1945-1975, in view of political, economic, and social forces of the Cold War. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS275 / Russia: Kievan Rus to the New Cold War
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the principal political, military, economic, social and cultural development in Russia from Ivan the Great to the present, including a focus on the period when Russia was part of the Soviet Union, 1917-1991. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies
HIS277 / The Modern Middle East
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Survey of the political, religious and economic development of the Middle East since 1500. Emphasis on the decline of the Moslem empire(s), the resurgence of contemporary Pan- Arabism, the Palestinian-Israeli question, jihadism, fundamentalist terrorism, the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and the impact of oil production on the region and the rest of the world. Prerequisites: None.

Fulfills: Global Awareness [G]; Global Awareness [G]-in combo; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]; Social-Behavioral Sciences [SB]-in combo; Historical Awareness [H]; Historical Awareness [H]-in combo
Division: Language, Humanits, Learng Centr&Informtn Studies