Academic Catalog

Art (ART)

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

ART111 / Drawing I
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Fundamental principles of drawing. Emphasis on composition and facility in objective and expressive representation, using variety of drawing media. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# ART 1111
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART112 / Two-Dimensional Design
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Study of fundamental elements and principles of two-dimensional design. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# ART 1112
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART113 / Color
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Investigation seeking visual solutions to a variety of problems concerning color in two and three dimensions and modes of color appearances, including light and effects in design and theory of design. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART115 / Three-Dimensional Design
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Fundamental principles of three-dimensional design. Prerequisites: None.

SUN  SUN# ART 1115
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART116 / Life Drawing I
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Use of form, structure and anatomy of draped and undraped human figure to develop basic principles of sound draftsmanship. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART117 / Life Drawing II
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Further study of form, structure, and anatomy of the draped and undraped human figure with emphasis on composition. Prerequisites: ART116.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART118 / Art Anatomy
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Artistic study of the concept of anatomical unity. Principle skeletal and muscular structures affecting surface form of the human figure. Includes drawing project, portfolio, and tests. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART116 or permission of Instructor.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART122 / Drawing and Composition II
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Emphasis on composition and exploration of drawing media. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART111.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART131 / Photography I
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Basic photographic principles and techniques. Basic camera functions and controls. Experience in the image-making process by creating and editing photographs for various display environments. Introduction to the photographic aesthetic and photography's role in society. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: Camera required.

Fulfills: Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]; Humanities, Arts and Design [HU]-in combo
Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART132 / Photography II
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Advanced camera and darkroom techniques. Aesthetic awareness with personal expression. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART131 or permission of Instructor.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART133 / Photography III
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Refinement of aesthetic and technical aspects producing convincing images of highest quality. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART132 or permission of Instructor.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART134 / Photography IV
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Emphasis on personal statement and style. Related graphic art forms explored. Development of portfolio. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART133 or permission of Instructor.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART137 / Alternative Photographic Processes
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

This course focuses on the 19th-century photographic processes including new picture-making technologies. Discussing the history of photography in relation with techniques taught in class. Students encouraged to explore historical processes in combination with contemporary technologies. Through technical demonstrations, hands-on workshops, and technical assignments, students develop a working knowledge of a range of processes while developing their own visual language. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART151 / Sculpture I
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Exploration of sculptural form and expression in clay, plaster, stone, wood and metal. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART161 / Ceramics I
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Introduction to ceramic materials and techniques of hand construction, decorating, glazing and throwing on potters' wheel. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART162 / Ceramics II
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Major emphasis on wheel throwing, glaze making and decorating techniques. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART161.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART165 / Watercolor Painting I
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Transparent and Gouache watercolor painting. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in (ART111 and ART112), or permission of Instructor.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART166 / Watercolor Painting II
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Painting in water soluble media. Emphasis on individual techniques and design. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART165.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART167 / Painting I
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Exploration of technical and expressive possibilities of various media in painting. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in (ART111 and ART112), or permission of Instructor.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART168 / Painting II
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Continued refinement of painting skills and investigation of new possibilities in painting. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART167 or permission of Instructor.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART234 / Color Photography
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Basic principles of color theory, camera and input and output techniques using analog or digital photography. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART131, or AVC142, or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: Film or digital camera is required.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART250 / Introduction to Printmaking
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Introduction to concepts and techniques involved in Fine Art field of Printmaking. Deals with three most basic Printmaking modes of Serigraphy, Woodcut, and Monoprinting in first part of course. Overview of Etching, Lithography and Papermaking in second part of course. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART111 and ART113.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART255 / Art Marketing
3 Credits / 3.0 Periods for Lecture

Career goals, presentation of artist and art work (portfolio, resume, business cards, catalog), pricing and selling works, networking, establishing a studio, promotion and publicity, writing press releases, proposal writing, business ethics, artist rights, copyright law, contracts and agreements, royalties, record keeping, and communication skills. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART255AB / The Portfolio
1 Credit / 1.0 Periods for Lecture

Choosing the right pieces to include, presenting art work, developing the portfolio. Prerequisites: None.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART263 / Figure Painting
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Study of the nude and clothed figure in painting with special attention upon relevant color palettes, direct and indirect figurative painting techniques, and development of anatomical knowledge and compositional structure. Students will draw upon both historical and contemporary modes of depicting the figure to develop a personalized approach to figure painting. Live models, photographs, drawings, "Planes of the Head" models, and the studio skeleton will be used as the basis of projects. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART167 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: Previous experience drawing from the live model recommended. Oil paint is the preferred medium but students may work in other painting media if they have previous experience. ART263 may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART290AC / Studio Art
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Studio course for art majors allowing continuation in a subject field. Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ART290AC students must have completed advanced courses in the subject field. ART290AC may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART290BC / Studio Art: Drawing
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Studio course for art majors allowing continuation in a subject field. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART111 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ART290BC may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART290DC / Studio Art: Life Drawing
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Studio course for art majors allowing continuation in a subject field. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART117 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ART290DC may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART290EC / Studio Art: Photography
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Studio course for art majors allowing continuation in a subject field. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART132 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ART290EC may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART290GC / Studio Art: Ceramics
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Studio course for art majors allowing continuation in a subject field. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART162 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ART290GC may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART290JC / Studio Art: Color
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Studio course for art majors allowing continuation in a subject field. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART113 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ART290JC may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART290MC / Studio Art: Digital Photography
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Studio course for art majors allowing continuation in a subject field. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in AVC143 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ART290MC may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART290PC / Studio Art: Painting
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Studio course for art majors allowing continuation in a subject field. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ART168 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ART290PC may be repeated for credit.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART295DA / Art Workshop/Seminar: Photography
1 Credit / 2.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Advanced level workshop seminar in art disciplines. Prerequisites: Minimum of three (3) credits introductory and three (3) credits intermediate level courses in specific field or permission of Department or Division Chair.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART295DB / Art Workshop/Seminar: Photography
2 Credits / 4.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Advanced level workshop seminar in art disciplines. Prerequisites: Minimum of three (3) credits introductory and three (3) credits intermediate level courses in specific field or permission of Department or Division Chair.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts
ART295DC / Art Workshop/Seminar: Photography
3 Credits / 6.0 Periods for Lecture & Lab

Advanced-level workshop seminar in art disciplines. Prerequisites: Minimum of three (3) credits introductory and three (3) credits intermediate level courses in specific field or permission of Department or Division Chair.

Division: Communication & Fine Arts